Drizzle of Love
Looking intently at our colorful photographs from over the past two weeks, a barrage of memories struck me. The heartfelt laughter, enthusiastic dancing, loud bus rides, new friends and the fresh rains now live in the niche of my heart as I bring myself to understand the beginning of the end of an awe-inspiring journey.
I thought about this closely, especially today when I reminded myself that I was in India. Every time I remind myself, I gasp as the unparalleled feeling of surprise and disbelief surround me. My heart struggles to unfold the immeasurable comfort I feel here. At this moment, I reminisce about the twinkling anticipation knocking the corners of my heart everyday before this trip began. Visiting India seemed almost impossible. And now, leaving feels unbelievable.
Innumerable questions have channeled their path through the tunnels of my heart and mind. How does this place seem familiar yet so refreshing? The joy of the downpour of rain here rejuvenates my spirit in a way so similar to that at home, I observe overwhelming joy drizzling within and near me. How can I feel so loved and welcomed in a country I had never been to? The shower of love took multiple forms- beautiful tikkas, spicy and luscious food, and deeply felt affection and advice. But, the roots were unflinchingly submerged in deep, pure intentions; I believe it could re-ignite any spirit within the soul.
The dark night found the hidden moon,
A heart found its missing rhythm,
Love found purity
But nothing was like it when the rains found India.