Woven Together

Taking in the supply of sweet mangoes and lucid words. Everyday I awaken to more knowledge and wisdom bestowed upon me, an everlasting gift. A prize turned into a surprise. Mother earth-vast-is at work and I am surrendered.  Untold to me are billions of stories, and I have only seen so little of this world. Ahmedabad. Gujarat. India. Seemingly so far away from my home, shares the same soil, water, and air. I am home. The earth is home. I am starting to discover a larger connection with the world, one that is based in Maitri (noble friendship).

Over the past two weeks I have began to learn the true meaning of friendship. Without language or sight, I have been able to make deep connections with others by simply leading with pure intentions and heart. Smiles. Warm hugs. Clapping. We spend too much time making barriers between each other, rather than starting with our shared humanity. We are all human and living in this ecosystem, 2 planets away from the sun. Just like the trees and animals around us, we are part of a shared space. I have learned that Maitri goes beyond that of just human connection, but oneness with the world around us. Jayesh told us, “When you feel deep gratitude for mother earth you will never feel alone.” I am starting to discover this truth. My senses are becoming more attuned to the beauty around us. The soft touch of the grass, bitter taste of the papaya, rejuvenating sensation of cool water, are all part of the world I call home.

We are all woven into the story of the earth- even with our great differences we are part of the same yarn.
